Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. (TRHC) (NASDAQ:TRHC), a healthcare technology company that develops and employs medication risk mitigation software solutions and tools to optimize medication safety, has been named by PharmAdva as the exclusive national provider of MedaCube to PACE (Program...
The Senior List published a comparison of several automated medication dispensers, including MedaCube. Check it out at Comparison: Automated Medication Dispensers.
Every bit helps. MedaCube can play a role in improving quality of life by reminding when and which pills should be taken.
How to help a loved one cope with dementia

The University of Rochester, in collaboration with West Health host the third annual Summit, a national forum for healthcare leaders, entrepreneurs, technology firms, policymakers and senior care advocates to exchange ideas, create new relationships, and foster disruptive technological and process innovations to improve the lives of the nation’s aging population.
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MedaCube enables older adults to take multiple medications on time Tue, 04/18/2017 – 06:48 – Laurie OrlovMedaCube enables older adults to take multiple medications on timeDevice can reduce nursing home admissions, emergency room visits and medical costsROCHESTER, New York, April...